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要約 目的:診断と両親への対応に苦慮した淋菌性結膜炎の乳児の報告。
所見と経過:両眼に眼瞼腫脹と膿性眼脂があり,眼脂の鏡検でグラム陰性桿菌があった。淋菌結膜炎を疑い,セフトリアキソンの静注とセフメノキシム点眼を開始した。その翌日に解熱し,右眼の病変は消失し,2日後に両眼の所見はほぼ正常化した。眼脂の培養で,後日Neisseria gonorrhoeaeが分離された。その後の精査で,母親に患児受診の3日前に発症したと推定される淋菌性子宮頸管炎,父親に無症状の性風俗曝露歴があった。
Abstract Purpose: To report gonococcal conjunctivitis in an infant.
Case: A 4-month-old female infant was referred to us for swelling of eyelids, eye discharge, conjunctival injection, and fever.
Findings and Clinical Course: Both eyes showed swelling of eyelid and putrid discharge. Smear from the discharge showed Gram-negative bacilli suggestive of gonococcal infection. The eye symptoms became almost normal two days after intravenous ceftriaxone and topical cefmenoxime. Culture of eye discharge showed Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Later studies showed gonococcal infection in the mother. The father was free of symptoms but had a history of multiple intercourse with commercial sex workers.
Conclusion: The present case illustrates the importance of identifying the etiology of gonococcal conjunctivitis, and the need of ultimate care in counseling the parents.

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