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要約 目的:特発性黄斑上膜(ERM)に対する硝子体手術前後の網膜神経節細胞複合体(GCC)厚の経時的変化を評価し,視機能に影響するか検証すること。
対象と方法:特発性黄斑上膜に対し25 G器具を用いた硝子体手術システムで施行した21例23眼,平均年齢69.4歳,男女比(11:12)を対象とした。GCC厚解析には光干渉断層計を用い,術前後のGCC厚パラメータを評価し,視機能との関係を検討した。
Abstract Purpose: To report changes in visual functions and ganglion cell complex(GCC)in the retina after surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane.
Cases and Method: This study was made on 23 eyes of 21 cases who received surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane. The series comprised 11 male and 12 female eyes. The age averaged 70 years. All the cases were evaluated by optical coherence tomography(OCT)and by Humphrey perimetry.
Results: Thickness of GCC decreased in the inner four circles after surgery. The decrease was more pronounced in the temporal sector. Visual acuity improved after surgery regardless of change in GCC or in mean deviation of perimetric findings. There were 15 eyes that showed decrease in pattern standard deviation(PSD)after surgery. Eight out of the 15 eyes showed agreement in the area of GCC thinning and decrease in PSD.
Conclusion: Vitreous surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane may be followed by GCC thinning in the parafoveal area. The thinning may be more pronounced in the temporal sector. GCC thinning may be associated with decrease in retinal sensitivity.

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