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要約 目的:片眼性の特発性黄斑上膜症例での,立体視,視力,変視症,不等像などの報告。対象と方法:片眼性の特発性黄斑上膜34例34眼を対象とした。男性17例,女性17例で,年齢は49〜80歳,平均67歳である。左右眼の屈折に1.5D以上の差がある症例は除外した。結果:立体視は視力と不等像量とに有意な正の相関を認めた。水平・垂直変視量,中心窩網膜厚とは有意な相関を認めなかった。さらに立体視検査の結果で立体視良好群(視差100秒未満)と立体視不良群(視差100秒以上)の2群間では,視力と不等像量で有意差を認め,水平・垂直変視量と中心窩網膜厚は有意差を認めなかった。結論:片眼性の特発性黄斑上膜では,視力が良好でも立体視が不良な症例がある。本症の治療方針の決定では,立体視を含めた両眼視機能を考慮する必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report binocular function in cases with unilateral idiopathic epiretinal membrane, including stereopsis, visual acuity, metamorphopsia and aniseikonia. Cases and Method:This study was made on 34 cases with unilateral idiopathic epiretinal membrane. The series comprised 17 males and 17 females. The age ranged from 49 to 80 years, average 67 years. Cases were excluded when difference by 1.5 diopter or more was present in the refraction of right and left eyes. Results:Stereo acuity showed positive correlation with visual acuity and amount of aniseikonia. Amount of metamorphosia and foveal thickness showed no significant correlation with stereo acuity. In good stereo acuity group, visual acuity was better(p=0.014)and amount of aniseikonia was small (p=0.049). Amount of metamorphosia and foveal thickness showed no significant difference between two groups. Conclusion:There were cases with good visual acuity and poor stereopsis in the present series of unilateral idiopathic epiretinal membrane. This finding shows that binocular visual function, including stereopsis, will have to be considered in the treatment of unilateral idiopathic epiretinal membrane.

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