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要約 目的:あけお眼科医院に通院中の網膜色素変性患者の現状と問題点の報告。
Abstract Purpose: To report the current status and problems of patients with retinitis pigmentosa(PR)attending the Akeo Eye Clinic.
Cases and Method: This retrospective study was made on 95 PR cases who were seen by us in the past 11 years. The series comprised 51 males and 44 females. The age ranged from 13 to 78 years, average 48 years. They were evaluated regarding best-corrected visual acuity, and Hymphrey and Goldmann perimetry.
Results: There were 25 patients in the 5th decade and formed most numerous age group. There were 6 patients among the 25 cases who had visual acuity of 0.01 in either eye. MD value by Humphrey perimetry was −31 dB in 9 right eyes and 11 in the left. Out of cases in the 7th decade, MD value was −27 dB or over in 8 right eyes and in 9 left eyes. In the whole 95 cases, 11 and 6 cases each were evaluated as grade 1 or 2 respectively with visual impairment. Visual field defect was evaluated as grade 2 in 35 cases. We issued medical certificates for pensions to 21 cases and for visual disability
Conclusion: Visual disability due to PR was most frequent in the 5th decade. It was less frequent in the 6th and 7th decade. Patients with PR had to be assessed regarding medical certificates for visual disability.

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