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要約 目的:暗順応が良好な網膜色素変性患者での視野を含む視機能の報告。対象:網膜色素変性の患者4例8眼を対象とした。すべて女性で,初診時年齢は15歳,34歳,44歳,66歳であり,それぞれ12年,4年,12年,6年にわたり経過を追った。初診時の視力は0.8~1.2の範囲にあった。視野はGoldmann視野計,暗順応はGoldmann-Weekers暗順応計で検査した。全症例でのsingle flash electroretinogramはsubnormalであり,暗順応検査の結果は正常とされる102~2×103の範囲にあった。結果:全症例で固視点から10°以内の中心視野が維持され,これより外方に島状の暗点があり,加齢に伴い周辺視野の欠損が進む傾向があった。結論:暗順応が良い網膜色素変性では,中心視野が保存され,経過が良好な症例がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the visual function including visual field in patients of retinitis pigmentosa with fair dark adaptation. Cases and Method:This study was made on 8 eyes of 4 patients of retinitis pigmentosa. All were females and were aged 15, 34, 44 and 66 years at their first visit. They were followed up for 12, 4, 12 and 6 years respectively. Visual acuity ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 initially. Visual field was evaluated by Goldmann perimeter. When tested by Goldmann-Weekers adaptometer, dark adaptation was fairly normal between 102 and 2×103 in all the eyes. All the eyes showed subnormal responses for single flash ERG. Results:Central visual field was maintained within 10 degrees from the point of fixation in all the eyes throughout the course of observation. Island-shaped scotomas were present in the paracentral or peripheral visual field. Conclusion:Cases of retinitis pigmentosa are present that manifest fair dark adaptation with well-retained central visual field.

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