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要約 目的:ヒト血清点眼が生体内に投与された際に,感染防御の役割のあるリゾチーム遺伝子(Lyz)発現が時間とともにどのように変化するか,生体の温度に近い37℃におけるLyz発現の経時的変化についてリアルタイムPCRを用いて検討した。
対象と方法:レボフロキサシン点眼液を添加した4倍希釈のヒト血清を,10,20,30分間の短時間と2,4,24時間の長時間,温度を37℃に設定した培養器内に静置した。定量のために,増殖させた大腸菌のプラスミドから得られたLyzのcDNAのコピー(10×107)を用いた。希釈倍率は64,256,1,024倍とした。RNA抽出後に逆転写を行い,RNA,DNA量を微量分光光度計により計測し,Lyz発現をMyGo Mini Real Time PCRにより定量した。統計学的解析にはt検定,回帰分析を用いた。
Abstract Purpose:To invetigate the effects of incubation time on the expression of the human lysozyme gene(Lyz)in human serum incubated at 37℃ as medicated eye drops for dry eye using a real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).
Materials and Methods:Human serum with added antibiotics was placed in an incubator at 37℃ for 10, 20, 30 min, and 2, 4, 24 h. We obtained 10×107 copies of Lyz cDNA in the plasmid by the proliferating Escherichia Coli. Dilution factors for linear regression for quantification were set to 64, 256, and 1,024 times. Total RNA was extracted from human serum, and cDNA was synthesized, and the primers for the RT-PCR amplification of the Lyz cDNA were designed. After mixing cDNA, primers, and MyGo green, the expression of Lyz cDNA was measured using the MyGo real-time PCR system. Fluorometric analysis of the PCR products was performed as a real-time measurement, either continuously or at specific time points during each PCR cycle. We performed statistical analysis of the effects of incubation time on the expression of Lyz cDNA in human serum using a t-test and simple linear regression analysis.
Results:The total RNA content of the human serum incubated for 4 and 24 h was significantly higher than that of the serum incubated for 20 or 30 min. However, total DNA was not significantly influenced by incubation time. Lyz cDNA expression in human serum incubated for 4 and 24 h was significantly lower than that in serum incubated for 2 h. Simple linear regression analysis showed that the incubation time significantly increased total RNA and decreased Lyz cDNA expression.
Conclusions:Lyz cDNA expression in human serum eye drops decreased after incubation for >4 h at 37℃, suggesting that the lysis function of lysozyme against bacteria may deteriorate after long-term incubation.

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