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要約 目的:平成25年度相模原市就学時健康診断(健診)における家庭と健診時の視力検査結果の一致性について検討した。
Abstract Purpose: To compare the outcome of two types of visual acuity test in preschool children.
Cases and Methods: This study was made on 900 children who received physical examination before entrance to primary school in the City of Sagamihara in 2013. Visual acuity in all the children were tested at home using Landolt optotype for 1.0 at 3 meters. Additionally, visual acuity was tested by orthoptists in 706 children and not in the other 194 children.
Results: Visual acuity agreed between values at physical examinations and at home in 72.5% in all the group and in 68.5% in 194 children who were initially tested by the family.
Conclusion: Visual acuity was correct in about 70% when tested at home. The findings show that visual acuity test ought to be conducted by professionals for preschool children.

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