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要約 目的:屈折矯正状態および高次収差が,前後方向の動体視力に影響を与えるか検討した。対象と方法:対象は,屈折異常以外に眼疾患のない18名18眼である。動体視力計測は,AS-4F(興和)を用い,完全屈折矯正infocus,+0.5D,+1.0D defocus下で施行された。高次収差計測は,OPD-ScanⅡ(ニデック)を用い,Total Highと,Total Coma,Total Sphを評価した。結果:Defocusにより動体視力は有意に低下した。動体視力とTotal Sphは,中等度の相関を示した。結論:低矯正屈折状態は,動体視力を見かけ上低下させる。また,高次球面収差は動体視力に影響を与える可能性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To investigate how refractive correction and higher-order aberrations affect kinetic visual acuity(KVA). Methods:Eighteen eyes from 18 subjects were included in the study. KVA was measured with AS-4F(Kowa), and were performed under infocus, defocus+0.5D, and+1.0D conditions. Aberrometry measurements were performed with OPD-ScanⅡ(Nidek). Wavefront aberrations were analyzed for total higher-order, total coma, and total spherical aberrations. Results:With increase of defocusing, KVA significantly decreased. There were significant linear correlations between KVA and total higher-order spherical aberration. Conclusion:These results suggest that refractive correction and higher-order spherical aberration affect KVA.
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