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要約 目的:光干渉断層計(OCT)で小児の黄斑部網膜厚を測定した結果の報告と再現性の検討。対象と方法:3~9歳(平均4.8±1.6歳)の小児30眼を対象として黄斑部網膜厚を測定した。全例が1.2の矯正視力で,屈折は平均-2.91±0.92Dであった。測定にはOCT3000TMのfast macular thicknessプログラムを用い,2か月以内に同一検者が再測定した。結果:プログラムから算出されたfovea minimum,fovea,inner retinal,outer retinalの各部位での測定値には,初回と2回目の測定で差はなく,強い相関があった。結論:3~9歳の小児では,OCT3000TMで測定した黄斑部網膜厚の測定値には良好な再現性がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome and reproducibility of macular thickness in children as measured by optical coherence tomography(OCT). Cases and Method:This study was made on 30 eyes of children aged from 3 to 9 years,average 4.8±1.6 years. All had corrected visual acuity of 1.2. The refraction averaged -2.91±0.92 diopters. Macular thickness was measured by an OCT3000TM using its fast macular thickness program. Measurement was repeated within 2 months by the same examiner. Results:There were high correlations between 2 measurements using fovea minimum,fovea,inner retinal and outer retinal programs. Conclusion:Thickness of the macula show high reproducibility in children aged from 3 to 9 years when measured by OCT3000TM.

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