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要約 目的:真菌性結膜炎の1例報告。症例:42歳の健常女性。右上眼瞼結膜の充血と隆起,多量の眼脂を認めた。培養検査でScedosporium apiospermumが検出され,生検で炎症性肉芽と結膜囊内の真菌塊を認めた。ボリコナゾール点眼,結膜下注射,瞼結膜隆起の切除を行い,治療開始後4か月で治癒した。結論:難治性結膜炎では真菌性結膜炎を念頭に置く必要がある。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of conjunctivitis due to Scedosporium apiospermum. Case:A 42-year-old female was referred to us for elevated lesion in the upper tarsal conjunctiva in the right eye. She was a habitual wearer of hard contact lens. She had been diagnosed with allergic conjunctivitis 2 years before and been treated with topical corticosteroid and antibiotics. The eye discharge turned yellow 3 months before. Findings:The right eye showed copious discharge and hyperemic elevation in the upper tarsal conjunctiva. Excisional biopsy showed inflammatory granulation and fungal balls. The causative organism was identified as S. apiospermum. The symptoms disappeared after resection of granular tissue and topical voriconazol for 3 months. Conclusion:This case illustrates that fungal organism may underlie in refractory conjunctivitis.

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