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要約 目的:過去10年間に眼瞼悪性腫瘍と当科で診断した症例の報告。対象と方法:2004〜2013年の10年間に順天堂眼科を受診し,眼瞼腫瘍として病理組織学的検査が行われた122例のうち,眼瞼の悪性腫瘍と診断された10例を対象とした。結果:10例は,男性6例,女性4例で,年齢は7〜86歳,平均67歳である。内訳は,Gorlin-Goltz症候群1例を含む基底細胞癌4例,扁平上皮癌3例,脂腺癌2例,悪性リンパ腫1例である。10例中8例が上眼瞼腫瘍であった。転移例はなく,基底細胞癌と扁平上皮癌の各1例が再発した。結論:眼瞼悪性腫瘍では,基底細胞癌,扁平上皮癌,脂腺癌が大部分を占めた。10例中6例が病理検査前に良性と臨床診断され,病理検査の重要性が確認された。
Abstract. Purpose:To present a ten-year review of malignant eyelid tumor at Juntendo University Hospital. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 10 cases of malignant eyelid tumor diagnosed histopathologically during 10 years from 2004 through 2013. A total of 122 cases of eyelid tumor were submi-tted to histopathological study in the same period. Findings:The series comprised 6 males and 4 females. The age ranged from 7 to 86 years, average 67 years. There were 4 cases of basal cell carcinoma including one with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome, 3 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, 2 cases of sebaceous gland carcinoma, and one case of malignant lymphoma. The tumor was located in the upper eyelid in 8 cases and in the lower eyelid in 2 cases. Recurrence occurred in one case each of basal and squamous cell carcinoma. Conclusion:Malignant eyelid tumor was mainly composed of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and sebaceous cell carcinoma. Six out of ten cases of malignant eyelid tumor had been clinically diagnosed as benign before histopathological examinations.

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