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要約 目的:細隙灯顕微鏡用のスマートフォンアタッチメントの作製。対象と方法:規格瓶No. 8K(PS-8K,FDA認証DMF No. 7129)のキャップ中心に約9mmの穴をあけ,市販のスマートフォンケースを接着させて規格瓶アタッチメントを作製した。細隙灯顕微鏡とスマートフォン内蔵の写真撮影ソフトを使用し,細隙灯顕微鏡写真を撮影した。結果:本アタッチメントにより前眼部,角膜,虹彩,水晶体に加え,眼底撮影も可能であった。考察:規格瓶アタッチメントは安価に作製でき,臨床使用も容易であった。前眼部写真撮影設備や眼底カメラがない施設での治療効果の判定や,記録情報を遠隔地に送信することで医療過疎地域での眼科診療支援などに有用である。
Abstract. Purpose:To describe a slit-lamp adapter for smartphone and to evaluate its utility. Methods:A small hole was formed in the center of a PS-8K bottle cap(FDA approval DMF No. 7129, Daiichi Glass Corp, Tokyo, Japan)and a smartphone case was attached on it. After this device was attached to slit-lamp(SM-70 and SM-70N, TAKAGI Corp, Japan), photographs were taken using a built-in camera with this smart phone for exterior of the eye, anterior eye and ocular fundus of the eyes with various pathologies. Results:A clear image was obtained from ocular surface, anterior segment, cornea, iris, lens but also fundus using this device. Fundus images were obtained by contact lens. Conclusions:Our device can be easily made with little cost. High-quality images are easily obtained from anterior and posterior eyes. The present device would be useful for physicians and medical staffs in monitoring the diseases of patients.

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