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糖尿病性網膜症10例,網膜中心静脈分枝閉塞症6例,網膜中心動脈閉塞症3例,細動脈硬化性網膜症2例の計21例に抗血小板療法としてアスピリンの極低量投与(0.5〜1.5 mg/kg/日)を行い,投与前後で血小板凝集能を比較した。その結果,1,3,5μMのADP凝集のそれぞれはもとより,二次凝集抑制効果を反映しコラーゲン凝集においても顕著な凝集率の低下を認め,その差はすべて有意であった。さらに至適投与量を検討する目的で30mg投与群と60mgおよび80mg投与群にわけ,それぞれの凝集率低下を比較したが両群間に効果の有意差は認められなかった。
We treated 21 patients with retinal vascular dis-orders by administering low dose aspirin. The series included 10 patients with diabetic retinopath-y, 6 with branch retinal vein occlusion, 3 with central retinal artery occlusion and 2 with arterios-clerotic retinopathy. The patients received 0.5 to 1. 5 mg/kg of aspirin per day. Platelet function was evaluated at repeated intervals.
After start of the treatment, the maximum aggre-gation rates for collagen (0.5 μg/ml) and three doses of adenosine diphosphatase (1,3,5μM/ml) showed significant decreases. The profiles showed that aspirin exerts an inhibitory effect on the aggre-gation. No marked difference was seen in the profiles between the patients and controls. The findings seemed to suggest that low dose aspirin is effective in the treatment of retinal circu-latory disorders.
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