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exfoliation syndromeの正確な頻度を知る目的で,住民検診および眼科外来での調査を行った。住民検診での頻度は,40歳以上の916名中30名3.3%であり,60歳以上では5.7%,70歳以上では9.1%であった。眼科外来での頻度は,40歳以上の3,697名中158名4.3%であり,60歳以上では7.2%,70歳以上では10.9%であった。この2調査では,いずれもその頻度は年齢とともに増加していた。
眼科外来で発見されたexfoliation syndrome158名中,77名(48.7%)に緑内障が認められたが,その頻度は年齢とともに増加していなかった。開放隅角緑内障に占めるexfoliation syndromeを伴う緑内障(水晶体嚢緑内障)の割合は54.6%であり,とくに70歳をすぎると高率であることから,高齢者の開放隅角緑内障は,まず水晶体嚢緑内障を考慮する必要がある。
We evaluated the incidence of exfoliation syn-drome in the general population based on a sample of 916 healthy persons over 40 years of age. We detected an overall incidence of 3.3%in the series. The incidence of significantly higher in males (4. 9%) than in females (2.3%). The incidence was 5. 7%in persons over 60 years and was 9.1%in those over 70 years. Glaucoma was absent throughout.
We also evaluated the incidence of exfoliation syndrome in 3,697 patients over 40 years of age who visited out outpatient department during the fore-going 3-year period. The incidence of exfoliation syndrome with or without glaucoma was 4.3% for cases over 40 years, 7.2% for those over 60 years and 10.6% in those over 70 years. Capsular glaucoma was present in 48.7% of cases with exfoliation syn-drome. The incidence of glaucoma in cases with exfoliation syndrome was independent of age.
About 50% of patients with open-angle glaucoma aged 40 years or more manifested exfoliation syn-drome. Because of rise in incidence of capsular glaucoma along with age, it is advocated to look for capsular glaucoma in aged patients with open-angle glaucoma.

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