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人間ドック受診者2,243名(男性1,543名,女性700名)を対象に,白内障発生の危険因子について疫学的検討を年代別に行った。白内障の診断は,散瞳した水晶体の細隙灯観察とCAT-ARACT CAMERAを用いた徹照像撮影により徹照像から判定した。
Na,K,Cl,GOT,GPT,TP,A/G,PSP, Creatinine等の血液生化学因子や,喫煙習慣,職業(第1第2次産業と第3次産業)等の因子では,いずれも白内障との相関は認められなかった。
We performed an epidemiological study to iden-tify risk factors for cataract based on 2,243 subjects who underwent scheduled health check-up. We conducted slitlamp examination through the dilat-ed pupil. We took retroillumination photograph of the lens using a cataract camera, CTR-R. Each subject underwent glucose tolerance test with 75 g oral glucose, hemogram and serum chemistry anal-ysis.
We identified following significant risk factors for cataract. The incidence of cataract was higher in diabetic subjects in their 6th decade than in non -diabetics in the same age range (p<0.01). The incidence of vesicular and radial lens opacity was higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics (p <0.05). The incidence of cataract was higher in anemic males in 6th and 7th decades than in non-anemics in the same age range (p<0.05).

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