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(1)今回我々は病理組織学的に確定診断のついた結節性動脈周囲炎(peri-arteritis nodosa,以下PNと略)に,片眼性前部ぶどう膜炎,左外直筋麻痺による複視,左瞳孔散大筋麻痺による瞳孔不同を伴った1症例を経験した.PNに伴う前部ぶどう膜炎は一般に稀といわれ,我々の検索した限りでは今までに5例報告されているのみである.PNに複視,瞳孔不同を合併した例はほとんど報告を見ない.
(2) PNに伴う前部ぶどう膜炎の性状は非肉芽腫性線維素性であり,水晶体表面および瞳孔縁に白色の微細な線維素性沈着物が認められた.
A 32-year-old female presented with anterior uveitis in the left eye with left lateral rectus paresis. Tenderness in Achilles' tendons had been present for the past 4 weeks and led to the clinically and histologically confirmed diagnosis of periarteritis nodosa. The anterior uveitis was nongranulomatous and fibrinous. White delicate fibrinous deposits had formed on the lens surface and pupillary margin. During the course of the disease, anisocoria became apparent particularly in the dark due to suggish pupil dilatation in the left eye. Crossed immuno-electrophoresis of the aqueous showed a higher protein content in the affected than the fellow eye, indicating the anterior uveitis to be strictly unilat-eral.
Published reports on associated occurrence of anterior uveitis and periarteritis nodosa are few in number. There is no report, to our knowledge, on further association with diplopia and anisocoria.

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