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CYAは初期量として5〜10 mg/kg/dayより投与を開始し,症状に応じて増減しつつ2〜37.5カ月間(平均18.5カ月間)治療を継続した.その結果,以下のような成績を得た.1.眼症状に対する治療効果は,著効4例,有効13例,無効2例であった.2.副作用としては,腎機能障害9例(47%),神経症状4例(21%),高血圧は1例(5%)にみられた.3.bromocriptineとの併用によりCYA血中濃度は上昇傾向を示した.4.CYA血中濃度は個人差が大きく,投与量の決定及び副作用発現防止には血中濃度の定期的モニタリングが必要である.
We treated 19 patients of Behçet's disease with ocular involvement with systemic cyclosporin A. Initial daily dosage ranged 5-10 mg/kg. The dura-tion of treatment averaged 18.5 months. When jud-ged by the course of visual acuity and frequency ofocular attacks, the treatment was markedly benefi-cial in 4 patients, moderate in 13 and ineffective in 2. Major side effects included renal dysfunction, neurological disorders and systemic hypertension. They sometimes necessitated reduction of the dos-age or discontinuation of treatment altogether.These findings indicate that cyclosporin A may be beneficial for ocular lesions of Behcet's disease and that regular monitoring of blood level is imperative for successful treatment.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(10) : 1161-1166, 1988

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