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鑑定依頼のあった詐盲4例を報告した.その結果,すべて男性であり,診察中の態度ではすべての例で非協力性などの特徴所見があり,一般眼科診断で特に片眼例では瞳孔のswingingflashlight testが有用で,視野は求心性の狭窄を示した例が多かった.視運動眼振抑制法により視力の類推が可能であり,他覚的検査法としての有用性を再認識できた.また,視覚誘発脳波によりそれをある程度裏付けることができた.補償神経症に対する考慮も必要な症例があり,場合によっては精神神経科の協力が必要と考えられた.
We examined 4 cases of ocular malingering refer-red from the court. All the cases were male. They were, characteristically, incooperative to medical examinations. Pupillary light reaction was normal in all. Concentric visual field narrowing was pres-ent in some. Inhibition test of optokinetic nystag-mus was frequently useful in determining the objec-tive visual acuity. Visual evoked potential by spa-tial frequency was also useful as supplementary test of visual acuity.
Besides ophthalmological assessments, we had to deal with compensation neurosis. Advice by psychi-atrists was often essential in correct diagnosis.

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