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後頭葉障害の病理学的報告の中で負荷眼球運動検査所見との関連を論じたものは少ない。今回われわれは,Cogan1)が初めて記載したoculomo-tor apraxiaの状態を一見呈しており,視性の合目的眼球運動は不能であつたが,音声で誘導した衝動性眼球運動は可能であつた1症例の病理解剖所見を得たので,生前の眼球運動図(EOG),あわせて視覚誘発脳波(VECP)の異常所見と脳の病理学的所見との比較検討した。
A 51-year-old female developed occipital lobelesion due to acute cerebrovascular attack one month before death. The case showed visuomotor defect, low occipital VECP response and normal vertex potential. Neither smooth pursuit nor sac-cadic eye movements could be elicited by visual stimulus. The saccadic eye movement could be induced by verbal stimulus. Autopsy showed old infarcts in the occipital lobes and the cerebellum bilaterally. The observed damage in area-18 of the occipital lobe seemed to account for the absence of visually invoked eye movements.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.