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Titmus-Optical社製,Miller-Nadlerglare testerを用い,黄斑部に病変のある疾患の% glare disabilityについて検討した.
視力良好例でも,% glare disabilityが高値を示す例があった.罹病期間と% glare disabilityは相関しなかった.光凝固は% glare disabilityを低値にする傾向があった.
中心性網膜症では,全例に暗点は残存したが,視力の変動と% glare disabilityはほぼ相関した.変視症と自覚症状の程度と% glare disabilityは相関する傾向があった.
We evaluated glare scores in 96 eyes with macular lesions by means of Miller-Nadler glare tester. The series included central serous retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, neovascular maculopathy, branch retinal vein occlusion, retinal pigment epithelitis and others.
While the glare score was positively correlatedwith visual acuity, there were some cases which showed pronounced glare disability in spite of good visual acuity. The glare score was not correlated with the duration of macular affection. Argon laser photocoagulation tended to induce poor glare dis-ability. In eyes with central serous retinopathy, the glare score was well correlated with visual acuity, metamorphopsia and the degree of subjective com-plaints.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(7) : 807-810, 1988

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