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pattern shift VECPについて,視野の中心部と周辺部の感受性の違いについて検討した。周辺部刺激では,空間周波数が0.4c/degで,大きくshiftさせた時に最大のVECP amplitudeが得られ,中心部刺激(5°)では,空間周波数が3.0c/degで,1縞移動の小さくshiftさせた時に最大の感受性を示す傾向を認めた。
The characteristics of the central and the peri-pheral visual field were investigated on 5 normal subjects by means of pattern shift VECP (Visual Evoked Cortical Potential) using gratings of various spatial frequencies (0.2 c/deg-12.0 c/deg). Remark-able differences were found between them. Thecentral field within 2.5° from the center showed a maximum sensitivity to the spatial frequency of 3.0 c/deg and to the width of one grating shift move-ment. The peripheral field was only responsible for the relatively large shift (3.5°) and for the spa-tial frequency of 0.4 c/deg but not for the smallershift movement.

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