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眼圧上昇,浅前房,近視化の原因としては毛様体の浮腫が考えられた.HLA抗原の検索では,HLA-A24, HLA-CW1, DR-4が姉弟ともに陽性であった.
A 41-year-old male presented with clinical signs of acute closed angle glaucoma in both eyes. The left eye, which was in a severer state, underwent peripheral iridectomy as an emergency procedure. Later examinations revealed the presence of myo-pia, and serous retinal detachment and other char-acteristic features of Harada's disease in both eyes.
Nineteen months later, his sister, aged 47 years, developed acute clinical features of Harada's dis-ease including shallow anterior chamber, myopia and intraocular pressure rise. Swelling of the cilia-ry body seemed to be the cause for these clinical signs.
HLA studies showed positive A24, CW1 and DR4 in both cases in common.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 42(4) : 365-368, 1988

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