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新生血管緑内障を含む種々の減圧手術に抵抗する難治性緑内障29例31眼にanteriorchamber tube shunt to an encircling band(ACTSEB)を施行し次の様な結果を得た.
(2)術後の平均眼圧下降幅はNVG 31.4mmHg, POAG 20.5mmHg, PACG 32.7mmHg,SG 19.4mmHg,計25.2mmHgで統計学的に有意な眼圧下降がみられた(p<0.01).
(3) NVGに対するACTSEB以外の術式では統計学的に有意な眼圧下降はみられず,ACTSEBはこれらの術式すべてに対し統計学的に有意に眼圧は下降していた(p<0.01).
We treated 31 eyes with refractory glaucomas by implanting anterior chamber tube shunt to an encir-cling band (ACTSEB) during the foregoing 32 months. The cases included 11 eyes with neovas-cular glaucoma (NVG), 8 eyes with primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), 3 eyes with primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) and 9 eyes with various secondary glaucomas (SG). The followup period ranged from 4 to 31 months. The intraocular pres-sure (IOP) prior to surgery averaged, with maxi-mum medication, 54.5±8.8mmHg in NVG, 42.1±12.2 in POAG, 46.7±7.6 4s PACG, and 40.9±4.7 in SG. The IOP after surgery averaged 23.2±8.2 mmHg in NVG, 21.6±11.3 in POAG, 14.0±1.7 in PACG and 22.0±6.2 in SG. The IOP drop was signif-icant for each group (p<0.01). Control of IOP below 21mmHg was attained in 64% of eyes with NVG, 88% with POAG, 100 with PACG and 67% with 67%.
Above findings indicate that ACTSEB is an effi-cient therapeutic modality for refractory glaucomas. Fluorescein angiographic and experi-mental evidences showed the aqueous humor to flow out through the implanted tube into the cavity of the encircling band. Little is as yet known as to the outflow route from the cavity.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(4) : 297-301, 1987
Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.