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(1)片眼にlow dose argon lasertrabeculoplastyを行った23例のうち,非手術眼にも持続的な眼圧下降を来した症例が8例(34.8%)にみられた.
(3)非手術眼の眼圧下降機構は局所のtrabecular collapseの解消などのargon lasertrabeculoplasty (ALTP)の手術眼の眼圧下降とは異なった機構,すなわち中枢性眼圧調整機構などを考慮に入れる必要があると考えた.
We treated 23 cases with open-angle glaucoma with unilateral, low-dosage argon laser trabeculoplasty. Persistent decrease in intraocular pressure in the non-treated, fellow eye resulted in 8 of the 23 cases over a course of 6 months. In these 8 pairs of eyes, there was a signficant correlation between the amount of decrease in intraocular pressure in the treated eyes (average 5.6 mmHg) and the non-treated eyes (average 3.8 mmHg).
The observed consensual hypotensive effect will have to be interpreted by a hypothesis other than the conven-tionally understood 'collapse of the trabecular me-shwork'. A centrally acting, pressure-lowering me-chanism may have been involved in the present cases.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 40(11) : 1271-1274,1986

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.