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薬物治療不良の種々な開放隅角緑内障40眼のtrabeculaeにlaser照射を行い,1時間毎に眼圧測定した。trabeculae 120°にわたって照射したもの14眼.180°にわたったもの18眼,360°にわたったもの8眼の照射後眼圧変動パターンは,基本的には三つの群の間に大差はなかったが,360°照射群では眼圧上昇とflareの増加が120°群に比べて著明であった。
In forty eyes with uncontrollable open angle glaucoma, argon laser was applied on pigmentbands in the trabeculae. Intraocular pressure was measured for 2 to 6 hours after treatment.
Argon laser radiation was applied as follows : 120 degree of radiation to the trabeculae in 14 eyes, 180 degree in 18 eyes and 360 degree in 8 eyes.
All groups experienced essentially the same in-traocular fluctuations immediately after treatment. In each group, some showed a rise, some a decline, and some very little fluctuation.

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