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後天性色覚異常の検出を目的に作られた標準色覚検査表第2部後天異常用(SPPpart 2)とAO-HRR表を用い,社会保険中京病院眼科外来を受診した外眼疾患を除く新患100症例について検査し,以下の結論を得た.
(1) SPP part 2は,今回検査した症例中で従来の方法で後天性色覚異常を示す症例をすべて検出した.
(2) SPP part 2は,AO-HRR表より検出能力が高い結果を得た.
(5) SPP part 2の検出用文字で第3表の文字「2」を除くと第12表の文字「4」が最も誤りやすく,このことから,後天性色覚異常では青黄色覚異常と思われる症例にも赤緑色覚異常が,かなりの高頻度で混在していると考えた.
We examined 100 new patients with intraocular diseases in the outpatient clinic using Standard Pseudoisochromatic Plates Part 2 (SPP part 2) and the AO-HRR Plates which were designed to detect acquired color vision defects.
Examination with SPP part 2 plates resulted in full detection of cases with acquired dyschromato-psia. The rate of detection was superior to AO-HRR plates. The series included 66 cases with cor-rected visual acuity of 1. 0 or more. Acquired dy-schromatopsia was detected in 20 cases (30.3%).A majority of cases with acquired blue-yellow color defect also manifested red-green color defect. The numeral '2' in Plate 3 in SPP part 2 seemed to be inadequate as it was falsely read by a number of normal subjects.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.