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Birdshot chorioretinopathyは1980年RyanとMaumenecによって報告された新しい疾患概念である。今回,筆者らは本症と考えられる2症例を経験し,臨床経過および検査所見から,次の結果を得た。
(2)螢光眼底造影では,白色病巣に一致したtissue stainingによる過螢光,網膜静脈壁のstainingおよびCMEがみられた。
(4)全身検査所見には異常は認められず,HLA typingでは特異な抗原typeは検出されなかった。
A 55-year-old male and a 67-year-old female presented ocular lesions compatible with theconcept of birdshot chorioretinopathy.
The fundus was characterized by the presence of multiple, white and flat patches scattered at the level of the retinal pigment epithelium and/or the choroid in and around the posterior pole. These lesions showed intense fluorescence from the early phase on. Late angiograms showed cystoid macular edema and dye leakage from retinal veins and the disc. Slitlamp examination showed a few cells in the anterior chamber as well as inflammatory cells and opacities in the vitreous cavity.

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