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今回の症例は患眼が眼底所見の他に視野,暗順応,ERG, EOG検査で定型的網膜色素変性症の所見を示し,他眼はERG, EOGを含めて全く正常で,感染や外傷などの既往歴も見られないので原発性片眼性網膜色素変性症と診断した。
A case of unilateral pigmentary retinal degenera-tion is presented. The patient was a 63-year-old female complaining visual disturbance and night blindness in her right eye. There was no family history of pigmentary retinal degeneration nor con-sanguinity. There was no past history of inflamma-tory diseases or of trauma in the either eye.
The affected right eye manifested typical features of pigmentary retinal degeneration when examined by ophthalmoscopy, fluorescein angiography, dark adaptation and electrophysiological tests. The ERG was extinguished and the EOG showed a flat type with extreme deterioration in the basal value.

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