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硝子体フルオロフォトメーター(Fluoromet model 120, Xanar社)を人眼に適用し,コントロール眼,中心性網膜炎,原田病,ベーチェット病,眼サルコイドーシス,糖尿病性網膜症,網膜静脈閉塞症の各症例計119眼で10%フルオレセイン—Naを体重kg当り7mgを静注し,1時間後に測定を行った。
We performed vitreous fluorophotometry in a total of 119 eyes with central serous retinopathy, diabetic retinopathy, branch retinal vein occlusion or uveitis using a high-sensitive vitreous fluoropho-tometer Fluoromet model 120 (Xanar). 29 normal eyes served as control. Detailed fundus examina-tions and fluorescein angiography were performed prior to fluorophotometry. Concentration profiles were recorded for 60 minutes following i.v. injec-tion of 10% fluorescein sodium (7mg/kg). The data were processed at three cardinal points in the vitre-ous cavity, i.e. anterior, middle and posterior vitreous.

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