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在胎38週5日,3,291 gで出生したBloch-Sulzberger症候群の女児の網膜病変を,生後12日より観察した。初診時,右眼後極部網膜血管の著明な拡張,蛇行,網目状吻合,および全周の無血管域が認められた。生後1ヵ月頃より境界線部は凹凸不整となり,血管を伴った増殖性組織が硝子体中に突出しはじめたため,生後55日に境界線部と無血管域の広い範囲に光凝固を施行した。光凝固後,後極部網膜血管の正常化,および周辺部への血流回復が認められ,1歳の時点で乳頭の耳側牽引や網膜皺襲形成等は認めなかった。
We followed up the fundus lesions in a female baby with Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome from the 12th day of birth. Initially, the right fundus showed marked engorgement and tortuosity of vessels. Numerous arteriovenous anastornoses were present. A wide avascular zone was present along the whole retinal periphery. Hemorrhagic patches and occa-sional obliterated vessels were seen in the avascular zone. These features seemed to suggest that the peripheral avascular retina did not occur as hypo-plasia of the retinal vasculature, but secondary to obstruction of the peripheral retinal vessels.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.