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7歳男児のSturge-Weber症候群に伴う先天緑内障に対してtrabeculectomyを施行中に出現したexpulsive choroidal effusionの1症例を報告した。本症はSturge-Weber症候群に伴う緑内障に炉過手術を施行する際,周辺虹彩切除後に出現しやすいが脈絡膜剥離はほぼ2週間で消失し,視力の予後は良好である。Sturge-Weber症候群を伴う緑内障手術の際には,本症の発症の危険のあることを念頭において対処すべきである。
We performed trabeculectomy on a 7-year-old male child with bilateral buphthalmos associated with Sturge-Weber syndrome. During attempted trabeculectomy performed on the right eye, the vitreous started to prolapse from the surgical wound accompanied by an acute rise in intraocular pressure. The anterior chamber remained deep throughout. Extensive retinal and choroidal de-tachment was detected on the following day and progressed to bullous detachment on the ensuing days. The detachment regressed spontaneously 15 days after surgery resulting in normal fundus ap-pearance and intraocular pressure.

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