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視覚系の時間周波数特性(Foveal Flicker Sensitivity Function:以下FFSFと略す)を光学的手法を用い綱膜疾患患者106名を対象として測定し下記の結果を得た。
Foveal Flicker Sensitivity Function (Temporal Modulation Transfer Function) was measured in 106 patients with macular disorders.
The abnormal FFSF obtained from these patients were similar to those of normal subjects after in-duced altering retinal mean luminance. The chara-cteristics were divided into three patterns: (A) At-tenuation only at high temporal frequency, (B) Attenuation at middle and high temporal frequen-cies, and (C) Attenuation at all temporal frequen-cies.
Central visual acuity and FFSF had good cor-relation in most cases.

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