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緒 言
今回,われわれは,全身的所見は極めて軽度であるにもかかわらず,網膜細動脈の高度な閉塞,乳頭部血管新生等多彩な眼底所見を呈したSLE 2例を比較的長期にわたり経過観察する機会を得たので症例報告すると共に,眼底のみに高度な病変を示すSLEの成因およびその治療法につき若干の考察を加えたので報告する。
Two females, aged 38 and 22 years each, developed severe retinal vascular lesions due to systemic lupus erythematosus. As peculiar fea-tures of these cases, the systemic manifestations and laboratory findings were absent or insignifi-cant during the initial few months following the appearance of fundus lesions. There were ex-tensive and multifocal occlusions of retinal arte-rioles and the capillary bed due, probably, to retinal vasculitis in the first case and to throm-boembolism in the second. Neovascularization from the optic disc and vitreous hemorrhage occurred as complications of the retinal vascular lesions.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.