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緒 言
眼球打撲により生じる黄斑円孔の臨床所見は,円孔周囲の網脈絡膜変化を含めて種々の病態を呈する。円孔自身には,いわゆるlamellar holeとfull-thickness holeとがあり,その臨床経過も種種多様であるように思われる。
今回,著者らは,初診時,黄斑部に円孔(lamel-lar holeを含め)が認められた18症例の外傷性黄斑円孔について臨床的経過を追求検討したので報告する。
We evaluated 18 cases of macular hole follow-ing blunt trauma to the eye. Particular atten-tion was paid to the relationship between the visual prognosis and the biomicroscopic and fluorescein angiographic findings.
We could divide the posttraumatic macular holes into four groups according to the visual prognosis.
Group A : The macular hole becomes obscure during the course of two weeks to six months after onset, after which the visual acuity sharplyimproves. Cases in this group show minimum chorioretinal degeneration in the macular area. Disturbance of choroidal circulation is mild or absent.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.