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(1)長期間(最短1ヵ月,最長2年4ヵ月)低眼圧を持続した眼球打撲症5例を,1年以上follow upし,その臨床経過を観察した。
(2)隅角検査で5例中4例にcyclodialysisが認められ,1例にはangle recessionがみられたが,はっきりしたcyclodialysisは発見できなかった。
We evaluated 5 cases of long-standing ocular hypotony due to blunt ocular trauma with a fol-low-up period of one year or more. The state of hypotony below 4mmHg persisted for one to 28 months after the blunt trauma. The presence of typical cyclodialysis was confirmed in 4 cases by gonioscopy. In all the 5 cases, the intraocular pres-sure returned to normal level within a few days after a sudden onset of inflammation in the ante-rior uveal segments.
It is reasonably presumed that the main mecha-nism for long-standing hypotony after blunt ocular trauma is due to a newly formed pathway of aqueous fluid into the

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