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緒 言
Franceschetti1)は,24歳と22歳の兄弟に若年性の硝子体の破壊を観察した。1938年,硝子体・網膜・水晶体の変化を伴う遺伝性疾患がWagner2)によつてはじめて記載された。Wagnerはチューリッヒの一家系二世代のうち男6人,女7人にこの疾患を認め,Degencratio hyaloideo-retinalishereditariaと命名した。その特色とすべき点は,
1)光学的にほとんど虚な(optisch fast leer)液化した硝子体中に点状の沈着物と,眼球運動とともに揺れ動く糸状あるいは糸球状硝子体索がみられ,硝子体の前境界膜と正常な硝子体構築とを欠く。
A case of hereditary vitreo-retinal degeneration (Wagner) in a 24-year-old man is described. He presented remarkable vitreous changes and abnor-malities of the retina not incompatible with those of Wagner's syndrome. The vitreous body was nearly optically empty with macrofibrillar vitreous degeneration, predominant in the left eye. Retinal vessels, especially arterioles, underwent narrowing and some of them were sheathed. Retinal pigmentation with the annular arrange-ment was observed in the equatorial region. Posterior punctuate opacity of the lens, though of mild degree, was bilaterally present.

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