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糖尿病者にみられたasteroid hyalosisの臨床的検討を行い,硝子体手術の適応となった症例については,asteroid bodyの病理組織学的検討を加えた.
糖尿病者823名におけるasteroid hyalosisの頻度は3.4%(28名)で,片眼性が80%,年齢分布では60歳以上に71%と高率であった.本症と網膜症の有無・重症度および糖尿病の罹病期間・型・血糖コントロールの間に特定な関係は認められず,年齢的要素が考えられた.硝子体手術を施行した1症例は,術後光凝固により視力の改善をみたが,光凝固手技上,障害となるasteroidhyalosisには硝子体手術も適応となりうる.
Asteroid bodyの成因は不明であったが,病理組織学的所見を示した.
We detected 28 patients (2.3%) with asteroid hyalosis from a consecutive series of 823 diabetics. In these 28 cases, asteroid hyalosis was present unilarally in 80%. The ages of the affected patients were 60 years or over in 71%.
The occurrence of asteroid hyalosis was not cor-related either with the state of control of diabetes, or with the duration, type or severity of diabetic retinopathy.
Vitrectomy followed by photocoagulation in-duced an improvement of vision in one case. The indication for vitrectomy, therefore, seemed to be extended to cases where the presence of asteroid hyalosis interfered with effective photocoagulation.
Rinsho Ganka (Jpn J Clin Ophthalmol) 41(6) : 579-583, 1987

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.