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1948年,Posner and Schlossman14)は原発緑内障,続発緑内障何れのカテゴリーにも入れられない中間型としての反覆性一側性緑内障発作を,Glaucomatocyclitic crises (Posner and Schlo-ssman's Syndrome)として始めて記載し,次の諸点をその臨床的特徴として挙げている。
Five cases of Glaucomatocyclitic crises (Posner and Schlossman's Syndrome) were reported.
Case 1. A man aged 56 was referred with a diagnosis of absolute glaucoma of the left eye and was enucleated before 5 years. Since 2 years, he began to have attacks of ocular hypertension of right eye which repeated four times during 2 years. He had vasomotor rhinitis and hypertension.
Case 2. A housewife aged 32 began to have mistyvison and slight pain of right eye in the end of menstruation since several years. These attacks ocurred three times a year. She had also vasomotor rhinitis.
Copyright © 1957, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.