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Landolt環では,各段階の視標の大きさの変化に伴つて,感電性の変化値もそれぞれの値をとつてきれいな段階性を示した。然もこの場合感電性が,網膜殊に錐体系の機能を示すものであるから,感電性値で示されたLandolt環の順位は,網膜機能の順位を意味するものである。同様の結果を井上氏鉤,山森氏の6.6環,山路氏の魚形視標(F視標とよんでいる)についても認めた。之に反して文字視標に於ける感電性の値は,大視標と小視標との間には差を認めるが,その中間の値は甚だ不規則で,文字の大さを示すdecimal notationと感電性とは一致しないものが多い。
The visual function is indicated by the symthesis of the excitement of the ratina which accept the light impulse. The index of this symthesis seems to be the most suitable manner to dicide the grade of vision.
The new test chart was created based on the electrical excitability of fhe retina to satisfy this idea. The new test chart was consisted of Japanese Hirakana object, Japanes Katakana object, fourdot object, alphabet and Randolt's ring. The test of visual power by this new chart was proved to be suitale very much to dicide the regulation of the refrective error and to test the visual power of eye disease.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.