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1937年Behçetの報告以後,原因不明のブドウ膜炎から一つの新しいclinical entityとしてBehcet病が確立されてきたが,その病因に関してはvirus説,細菌アレルギー説,膠原病説,自己免疫疾患説などいろいろあり,今日なおいずれも推定の域を出ない。眼球の病理組織所見についても多数の報告があるが,病因追求への有力な手がかりはいまだ得られていない。
Six eyes of the patients with Behcet's disease were examined histopathologically.
Only one case which was in the relatively early stage of disease showed a typical infla-mmation of the retinal blood vessels, infiltrated with lymphocytes and plasma cells in and around the vessel walls.
Other five cases which were in the late stage of disease showed the remarkable massive scar formation in the vitreous cavity with glial tissue originated from the retina. Especially in the severe two cases, polymorphonuclear leucocytes infiltrated to the lens and formed a necrotic lesion there.

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