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1942年Ascher1)は,眼球表面の血管に房水が流れているのを発見し,この血管を房水静脈と名づけた。房永がシュレム管を通して前毛様静脈に流出するというLeber学説は,1951年Ashton2)のNeoprene latexを使用したSchlemm管および房水静脈の解剖学的研究,日本では宮田3)4)らの研究,その他,Thomassen5),Bakkenらの研究により実証され,これに伴つてAscherの房水静脈もSchlemm管よりおこることが実証された。
Fluorescein angiographic findings of perilimbic vessel arcades and bulbar conjunctival vessels were studied in fifty-three normal adult eyes in order to clarify the angiographic findings of the aqueous vein. Results obtained were as follows:
1) It was confirmed that the anterior ciliary vessels fluoresced first of all bulbar conjunctival vessels systems and at the almost same time or a few seconds later the posterior conjunctival vessels fluoresced. The aqueous veins, which were confirmed biomicroscopically, proved to be filed with dye later than the above two ve-ssels systems.
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