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線溶現象は1761年にMorgagni,1764年にJohn Hunterによりすでに観察されているが,その後久しくこの問題はかえりみられず,1940年代になりその機構が次々に明らかになつてきた。すなわち血液中にある蛋白分解酵素plasminが線維素を消化分解する結果線維素の溶解が起こることが明らかとなつた。このplasminはfibrinやfibrinogenを特異的に強く分解するもので,線溶酵素fibrinolysinともよばれている。
Blood fibrinolytic activity was measured in 3 patients with the disease of Behçet's syndrome periodically for about a year.
In the mild case, the fibrinolytic activity accentuated during early ocular attack, and it became in normal level during the remission.
On the other hand, in the severe case the fibrinolytic activity decreased during the ocular attack, and there was a tendency to decrease during the remission. Fibrinogen concentration increased usually during the ocular attack and there was a tendency to increase during the remission.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.