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Rhegma (break)を起こす疾患では,CibisはRhe—gmatogenetic chorioretinohyaloidpathiesとして扱い,特に網膜のgliosis,thinningを伴う,tapetoreti—nal atrophy—硝子体の限局性液化—cavitation,コラーゲン線維のCondensation—限局した硝子体網膜の癒着などを注目している。
Authors studied the cases of retinal detach-ments with ocular changes in the fellow eye, and the cases with equatorial degeneration as a control. As equatorial degenerations, lattice degenerations, pigmentary alterations, cystoid degenerations etc. were observed.
The results are as follows:
1: No difference in distribution of the refra-ction and of the vision are observed but the rate of cases which showed ocular tension be-low 11.0mmHg is high in the fellow eye co-mpared with control (26% and 8 %).
2 : Lattice degenerations are observed in the fellow eye (34%) more frequently than in the contol eye (20%).
Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.