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左眼のUveal Effusion (以下UE)の診断で経過観察していた51歳男性の他眼に生じた眼底変化について検討した。発症する4年前より上強膜血管の拡張がみられた。発症時,右眼眼底は鋸状縁が全周容易に望見され,乳頭周囲および黄斑部の網膜が浮腫混濁を呈していた。7ヵ月後,螢光眼底撮影でleopard spotの所見がみられ,下方に網膜剥離が出現したことにより,UEと確診し,後極部に生じた最初の変化をUEの初期像と考えた。
A 51-year-old male presented with uveal effusion in the left eye. Dilatation of episcleral vessels had been present during the preceding 4 years. At the onset of the disease in the left eye, we observed edematous opacity in the macula and peripapillary retina in the right eye. The ora serrata was visible by indirect funduscopy along the whole circumfer-ence. Retinal detachment in the inferior sector developed in the right eye 7 months later. Fluores-cein angiography showed multiple leopard spots, confirming the diagnosis of uveal effusion in the second eye. The èdematous changes initially seen in the right eye appeared to be precursor of manifest uveal effusion.

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