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歴史的にはToxoplasmaは1908年Nicolleand Manceauxによつて動物から発見されたが人間では1938年Wolfによつて眼病変を来すことが知られ,以来,眼科領域において多数の報告がなされており,我国においても漸く10例を越える報告がある。私共は先天性Toxoplasmosisの1例に遭過したので報告する。
A report is submitted over a case of conge-nital toxoplasmosis in a girl of 7 years of age, who had noted visual disturbance in the right eye since a few years before. Ophtha-lmoscopy revealed a retinochoroidal degene-rative scar of about 5PD at the maculararea. The presence of a small intracranial calcified focus was confirmed roentgenologi-cally. The hemagglutination titer of the serum stood at 1 : 32,000 and at 1 : 2,048 one month later. The complement fixation test stood at 1 : 4. The serum titer of the mother of the patient was 1 : 8192 for hemagglutination and 1 : 4 for complement fixation.

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