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Corneal biopsy is an effective aid in establishing diagnosis in two cases of keratomycosis Hiroto Obata 1 , Yuko Okubo 1 , Meri Watanabe 1 , Yusuke Arai 1 , Yuriko Okawara 1 1Dept of Ophthalmol, Jichi Med Univ pp.685-690
Published Date 2014/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410105228
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Abstract. Purpose:To report two cases of keratomycosis diagnosed by corneal biopsy. Cases:Case 1:A 58-year-old male in the right eye injured by a tree branch visited our hospital three weeks later. As corneal scraping disclosed fungi, anti-fungal therapy was started intravenously and with eye drops. However, his keratomycosis progressed and intrastromal injection of antifungal drug and corneal biopsy was performed at the same time. Case 2:A 73-year-old male with a diagnosis of corneal ulcer and perforation after keratoplasty in the right eye visited our hospital. Corneal biopsy was performed at the time of transplantation of preserved cornea. Results:Corneal biopsy of both two cases disclosed fungi. In culture of scrapings, Fusarium sp. was betected in case 1, whereas none of microorganism was detected in case 2. Conclusions:Corneal biopsy by using a small fragment of corneal tissue can be an effective aid for identifying the cause of infectious keratitis in selected cases.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


