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要約 目的:梅毒性網脈絡膜炎に併発した囊胞様黄斑浮腫にペニシリンと局所ステロイド投与が奏効した症例の報告。症例:59歳男性が9か月前からの左眼視力低下で受診した。10歳代に梅毒に罹患し,加療した既往がある。所見:矯正視力は右1.0,左0.2で,左眼にびまん性硝子体混濁と囊胞様黄斑浮腫があった。TPHAが高値で硝子体混濁とFAでの血管透過性亢進所見から,梅毒性網脈絡膜炎と診断した。ペニシリンGの大量点滴で2週後に左眼視力は0.6に改善した。残存した黄斑浮腫に対し,初診から68日後にトリアムシノロンのテノン囊下注射を行い,左眼視力は0.9に改善した。初診から20か月後の現在まで再発はない。結論:本症例でペニシリン投与後に残存した黄斑浮腫は,免疫性機序による炎症であったと解釈され,ステロイドの局所投与が奏効した。
Abstract. Purpose:To report a case of syphilitic retinochoroiditis with cystoid macular edema that responded to topical corticosteroid. Case:A 59-year-old male presented with impaired vision in the left eye since 9 months before. He had been treated for syphilis during puberty. Findings:Corrected visual acuity was 1.0 right and 0.2 left. The left eye showed diffuse vitreous opacity with cystoid macular edema. He showed high value for TPHA, leading to the diagnosis of syphilic retinochoroiditis. Left visual acuity improved to 0.6 after daily infusion of penicillin G. The residual macular edema was treated by subtenon injection of triamcinolone acetonide. Left visual acuity improved to 0.9. There has been no recurrence for 20 months until present. Conclusion:Response to topical corticosteroid in the present case suggests that immune-related inflammation may have been present in the pathogenesis of cystoid macular edema.

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