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要約 目的:A定数が同じ3種類の眼内レンズにおける術中・術後屈折度数の誤差推移の報告。対象と方法:過去3年間に白内障手術を施行した167例280眼を対象とした。内訳はSA(N)60AT(Alcon社)71例117眼,NY-60(HOYA社)34例59眼,NS-60YG(NIDEK社)62例104眼。手術施行後NIDEK社ハンディレフARK-30で屈折度を測定。術翌日はARK-30と同社オートレフARK-730Aの2機種で測定。術後7~10日,術後1か月はARK-730Aで測定し術前予測屈折値と比較した。結果:術中屈折平均値においてSA(N)60ATとNY-60は予測屈折値とほぼ同じであった(+0.07D,-0.03D)が,NS-60YGは遠視化した(+0.88D)。術翌日以降はSA(N)60ATとNY-60は徐々に近視化し,術後1か月ではそれぞれ-0.46D,-0.58Dであった。NS-60YGは予測屈折値とほぼ同じ値で推移し,術後1か月では+0.12Dであった。パーソナルA定数はSA(N)60ATとNY-60は118.08,117.86と推奨値より減少,NS-60YGは118.56と増加した。結論:術後屈折平均値は予測値と比べSA(N)60ATとNY-60は近視化,NS-60YGは遠視化した。原因としてIOLの形状によるものと考えられた。
Abstract. Purpose:To report errors of refraction during and after cataract surgery followed by implantation of either of 3 types of intraocular lens(IOL)with the same A constant. Cases and Method:This study was made on 280 eyes that received cataract surgery during past 3 years. SA(N)60AT was implanted in 117 eyes, NY-60 in 59 eyes, and NS-60YG in 104 eyes. Refraction was measured during surgery, the next day, 7~10 days, and one month after surgery. Results:Error of refraction during surgery approximated the predictive value at +0.07D for SA(N)60AT and -0.03 for NY-60. It shifted towards hyperopia at +0.88D for NS-60YG. One month later, refraction implanted with SA(N)60AT, NY-60 and NS-60YG averaged -0.46D, -0.58D and +0.12D respectively. Personal A constant of the lens was 118.08, 117.86 and 118.56 respectively. Conclusion:There was a shift towards myopia in eyes implanted with SA(N)60AT or NY-60, and towards hyperopia implanted with NS-60YG one month after surgery. The observed difference appeared to be due to the shape of each IOL.

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