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要約 目的:全科用電子カルテと連携する眼科用電子カルテ機能の施設間比較を行うこと。対象と方法:電子化された3つの病院眼科を対象とし,電子化への対応とスタッフに対する電子化の機能要求に関する聞き取り調査を行った。結果:対応が同じものとして視力検査,限界フリッカ値,Schirmer試験,眼圧検査があり,異なるものとしてレフラクトメータ,ケラトメータ,静的視野検査,眼位検査,眼球運動,両眼視機能があった。機能要求としては,静的視野の電子化対応,スケッチ描画のクリック数減少,テキスト検査結果のカルテ取り込み自動化などがあった。結論:眼科専用開発の電子カルテ導入あるいは全科用電子カルテに実装される眼科専用の機能開発が望ましい。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the current status of electronic medical recording system for ophthalmology in three general hospitals. Objects and Method:This survey was made on three hospitals in Okayama Prefecture that introduced electronic medical recording system. Particular attention was made on the status and needs of the system for department of ophthalmology. Results:All the three hospitals had similar functions for visual acuity, tonometry, Schirmer test, and critical flicker fusion frequency. They had different functions regarding refractometry, keratometry, static perimetry, eye position and movement, and binocular function. Improvements were needed regarding static visual field, mode of clicking the keyboard by physicians, and automatic transcription of medical records. Conclusion:This survey shows the need to develop an electronic recording system specific for department of ophthalmology.

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