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要約 目的:当院での電子カルテ導入に伴う電子化の一部をEnd user computingで行った報告。対象と方法:下記の3点を行った。①画像ファイリング装置交換に伴ったデータ移行。②未熟児眼底カメラRetCamの電子カルテへの接続。③散瞳カメラ画像のパノラマ作成ソフトの作成。結果:サーバ内の全画像を解析して検査種別を分別し,付帯情報はXMLファイルから取得した。ゲートウェイPCを介して接続された。Canon眼底カメラでパノラマが作成可能となった。結論:本報告で行った電子化は本来的にはorganizational computingで行われるべき種類のものであろう。
Abstract. Purpose:To report our electronic medical recording system introduced in January 2010. Some computer programming was executed with end user computing for the department of ophthalmology. Method and Process:Following programming was performed by the staff of the department of ophthalmology. 1. Stored data in NAVIS was transferred to Yahgee image. 2. A software was created to connect RetCam and Yahgee image. 3. A software was developed to create panoramic wide-angle fundus photograph. Conclusion:While the transition to electronic computing was in general a success,some processes of end user computing by the staff of department of ophthalmology had better be executed,essentially,by the organizational computing.

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